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January 6-February 14, 2020

Corporate Prayer Times:

21 DAYS OF PRAYER | January 6TH - 29TH

40 Days to a Whole New YOU | January 6TH-February 14TH

Mondays | 6:30-7pm Via Conference Call
Dial in number: 605-313-4412

Access Code: 607933

and Facebook Live from the Family Page.


Wednesdays, January 8, 15 & 22 | 7-8pm

on campus for Mindset Classes on establishing

a Faith Mindset to possess the promises of God.

Saturdays | 10-11am on campus

Following Saturday Corporate Prayer, we will

have workout classes for all levels of fitness.

Please bring a towel and wear comfortable clothing. 

Sundays |10-10:25am on campus

Before worship in the Sanctuary.

Fasting RNWA Packet 2020 Cover.jpg


At the beginning of every year, our Restoration Church family engages in a focused time of prayer and fasting.  For 21 days, from January 6th through January 27th, we will faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church, and our world through prayer and fasting. As a part of our 40 Days to a Whole NEW You, we will continue fasting until February 14th at 6pm. Our Church family and friends will corporately be releasing our faith to align with the Word of God regarding 2020 – to experience God’s Promises, Vision and Dreams coming to pass in your life.   


We encourage fasting as a spiritual next step that can bring clarity and revelation into your life.  The goal of fasting is to draw nearer to God. Biblical fasting always has to do with eliminating distractions for a spiritual purpose; it hits the reset button of our soul and renews us from the inside out.  It also enables us to celebrate the goodness and mercy of God and prepares our hearts for all the good things God desires to bring into our lives.  


If you sense that God has more for your life, 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting is a great place to start believing Him for all that He has for you.  As you practice seeking Him first, He will move on your behalf like never before.  You will start to see the power of prayer impact your relationships, work, family, and every area of your life.  


Join us for Corporate Prayer on campus at Restoration on Wednesdays at 7pm, Saturdays & Sundays at 10AM and by FB Live and Conference call on Mondays at 6:30pm. Fasting will begin at 6 AM, Monday, January 6th, 2020. We will continue fasting until February 14th at 6pm as a part of our 40 Days to a Whole NEW You! 

Inside you will find:
  • Prayer and fasting schedule
  • Spiritual benefits of prayer and fasting
  • Scriptures on prayer and fasting
  • Corporate prayer schedule
  • Prayer targets
  • New Testament reading plan
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